Are you in need of travel medical insurance? Before you purchase any travel insurance, check with your existing private health insurance or for example your credit card insurance, if perhaps you are already covered. Such solutions do cover at least short trips of up to 4 or 6 weeks.
If you want to learn more about the differences between Travel Medical Insurances and Private Health insurance then you may check out the following article, or get in touch.
If you do need a travel insurance solution for a certain period of time from a couple of days up to even a couple of years, then you can find example solutions as following:
Best value for money solution including Personal Liability & Repatriation coverage for up to 90 days
Comprehensive unlimited medical coverage solution for up to 180 days
Best value for money solution for up to 12 months for travellers below 40 including Luggage, Personal Liability, Medical Assistance & Repatriation coverage
Comprehensive coverage solution for up to 12 months for travellers below 66 years
Unlimited Medical coverage for up to 2 years for travellers below 70 including Medical Assistance & Repatriation coverage and Luggage & Personal Liability option
Comprehensive medical coverage solution for up to 5 years for travelers below 67 years
Long-term travel medical insurance solution with monthly subscription
Multi-Trip options for 30 or 45 days each trip
For further options please use the following online quoting tool:
In case you can’t find any option fitting your situation, or if you have any questions, then please get in touch with us:
Travel Medical Insurance Inquiry
Please let us know your contact details and requirements and we will be in touch with you asap.